Welcome to the definitive online resource for manufactured homes
Becoming familiar with the world of manufactured homes is the first step to becoming a happy homeowner. Here you can find a wealth of information that can help you in the shopping and purchasing process, as well as help with topics such as financing, and everything you need to stay current in the manufactured home industry.
If you’re shopping for your first manufactured or modular home, check out our reviews of the latest floor plan models from top manufacturers all across America. When you find the home you love, take a look at some of our in-depth profiles of manufactured and modular home retailers in your area. And before you take the next step, get educated with helpful tips on how to buy and what to expect from the purchase process. When researching or finding questions about a manufactured home, our resource guide will help you get started. From basic questions to in-depth installation guides, we have everything you need from to get started. Already a manufactured home owner? Then you’ll love our wide variety of articles on latest industry trends, changes in legislation, and first-hand coverage of industry events. We are your source to keep up to date on manufactured home news and industry events.
To get started, browse some of our most popular categories below.

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